Innovation. Experience. Results.
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Welcome to Bruckner Oncology

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Bruckner Oncology. We are proud to update this website following repeated requests from our patients and community advocates to provide information to a broader patient audience about our innovative practice.

Our Mission is to provide a more effective, less toxic , tailored treatment approach for patients with cancer , including those who have failed standard therapy, those who may not tolerate the higher doses of standard therapy, and for cancers that do not respond well to standard therapy. To provide hope for patients and their families, when hope may have been lost.

Please take some time to read more about Bruckner Oncology, our people, our unique services, practices, and real examples of results that continue to benefit our patients and their lives.

At Bruckner Oncology, our patients are our greatest advocates.

Innovation, Experience and Results – Welcome to Bruckner Oncology.


Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.
- Theodore Levitt

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein

As you navigate through our web site, one message is crystal clear – we provide a leading edge, innovative and personalized approach to treating patients with all types of cancer.

Innovation is about providing new solutions to long-standing challenges and to many of our patients, no challenge is greater than cancer. When traditional treatment options are not enough, the dedicated efforts of the physicians at Bruckner Oncology develop and implement novel ways of combining chemotherapeutic drugs to make them more effective and less toxic. Our goal is to give you more treatment options to achieve your best chance at success.


“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein

Bruckner Oncology is recognized as an innovative oncology practice. Our innovation is based on experience, education, results and our laboratory research that allows us to constantly incorporate new agents into the methods and clinical approaches that are unique to Bruckner Oncology.

At Bruckner Oncology, our goal is to leverage our 40 years of clinical experience and laboratory research to bring you the future of cancer treatment today.


“Big results require big ambitions.” – James Champy

At Bruckner Oncology, we stop at nothing to bring you more treatment options to achieve results even when avenues seem limited.

Our reviewed body of work has resulted in 300 manuscripts documenting a wealth of experience specific tocombining chemotherapy in a more effective, least toxic manner with results leading to better survival. Search through our web site, especially the Case Studies and Testimonial sections, to learn more about how Innovation and Experience at Bruckner Oncology continue to lead to Results for so many of our patients, across a variety of cancer types, including pancreas, bile duct, ovarian, sarcoma, breast, and colon, and including those who have failed thus far with their current treatment.

Providing results for patients: this is why we do what we do. Our hope is your hope.

Our Process