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Elliot F.

I am the orthopedic surgeon who Dr. Bruckner is taking care of with the stage 4  mixed pancreatic tumor (with hundreds of positive lymph notes both anteriorly plus retro-peritoneal.) Subsequent to my total response to his specific mixture of low dose chemo therapeutic agents with the tumor and nodes dramatically disappearing, I had a Whipple operation in September. This Dr. Bruckner also supervised to the point of calling my surgeon at Mt. Sinai three times and who he has a great relationship with (Dr. Bruckner is treating one of his close family members). So  I'm doing great. (Not to give myself a konah horrah or bad luck)) My last CAT scan with contrast shows no tumor and my cancer numbers continue to be below 10. I'm able to play tennis two to three times a week and I'm eating like a horse. The most important thing to remember is Dr. Bruckner is a one of a kind cancer genius and his results are often ground breaking. But he is far, far more effective as the treating physician from the very start. Many cancer patients flock to Sloan or other cancer centers and they are placed in a patchwork treatment plan arranged by the various drug companies. And the minute the program doesn't seem to be working, out you go. The drug companies, which are only guided by profits (along with a certain amount of running these studies the way they see fit.) are not your friend. Please do your homework because this may be the most important decision you will ever make. I'll be happy to speak to you if you wish. Thank you and good luck.

Elliott F M.D.
June 2017


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